Aranet4 PRO Wireless Indoor Air Quality Sensor for Educational Facilities
- Julkaistu
- Kirjoittajana Timeless Technology
Schools and universities often are hotbeds for COVID-19 spread. This is no surprise since there are many people in closed environments like classrooms, so it can be a nightmare to ensure all safety precautions are met.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in US guidelines assert that COVID-19 can be spread via small droplets and aerosols
- These virus-containing aerosols can linger in the air for several hours
- Proper air exchange and ventilation can shorten this time interval 10 times
- Aranet4 is the perfect device for monitoring the air exchange rate. It warns when the air quality has become unhealthy and you should take care of the airflow in the classroom
CDC has warned that COVID-19 can spread via aerosols. These are small droplet particles containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus – a serious risk factor that has to be considered indoors. The best way to combat it is to ensure proper air exchange. How can you know if the air quality is good? This is where Aranet comes in!
The perfect solution for educational facilities:
Aranet4 PRO sensor
A COVID-19 aerosol transmission risk monitoring device
- A wireless plug-and-play device with on-screen display
- Monitors CO2 (an air quality indicator), temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure
- Warns via color indicator and sound signal when action must be taken to increase airflow

Aranet4 is an easy to use CO2 monitoring device that lets you know right away if the ventilation is sufficient and whether you are at an elevated risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via aerosols. Visual color indicators as well as a sound alarm will notify you when action (opening windows, turning up the ventilation or leaving the room all together) must be taken.
For a complete school solution, you can have an Aranet4 device in each classroom and then wirelessly network them to an Aranet PRO base station. It’s plug-and-play easy to set up and comes with free software that allows you to see graphs, download reports and receive centralized alarms. With it you get a complete overview of what is happening in the educational facility building, you see which classrooms are more dangerous so you can plan accordingly. Aranet allows you to see the invisible.
Guidance for Schools
REHVA (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations): In this document we summarise advice on the operation and use of building services in schools, in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) virus (SARS-CoV-2).
Aranet4 HOME and Aranet4 PRO
What is the difference between Aranet4 HOME and Aranet4 PRO?
Aranet4 PRO and Aranet PRO for Educational Facilities
Copy of this news in PDF format
Aranet – Langattomat IoT anturit
Aranet valmistaa IoT-pohjaisia ympäristöolosuhteiden valvontaratkaisuja yrityksille helpottamaan reaaliaikaisen mittaustiedon keräämistä ja analysointia.
Max. 100 langatonta IoT anturia voidaan kytkeä yhtä tukiasemaa kohden ja antureiden etäisyys tukiasemasta voi olla jopa 3 km (näköetäisyys). Aranet PRO -tukiaseman mukana tulee ilmainen SensorHUB-ohjelmisto mittaustietojen keräämistä ja analysointia varten sekä järjestelmän konfigurointiin. Helppokäyttöinen käyttöliittymä antaa mahdollisuuden tarkastella, analysoida ja vertailla tietoja reaaliajassa, asettaa kynnyksiä hälytyksille sekä tulostaa ja tallentaa raportteja. Ohjelmistoa voi käyttää älypuhelimella, tabletilla tai kannettavalla tietokoneella.
Aranet Cloud on teollisen tason ratkaisu Aranet IoT -ekosysteemin etähallintaan. Se helpottaa keskitettyä mittausta, valvontaa ja hallintaa laajamittaisessa Aranet-ympäristössä, joka ulottuu fyysisesti useisiin paikkoihin ja jossa on käytössä useita tukiasemia. Aranet Cloudin avulla voit muokata tietojasi mukautetuilla koontinäytöillä, kaavioilla ja käyttäjien hallinnalla.
Aranet tarjoaa myös API, MQTT ja SenML integrointityökalut olemassa oleviin asiakkaiden prosessin hallintajärjestelmiin.