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Remote monitoring and/or control of temperature for indoor and outdoor environments

ControlByWeb engineer and manufacture industrial I/O devices ideal for nearly any temperature monitoring and control application you can imagine. They integrate with control systems such as SCADA and DCS with common communication protocols like Modbus TCP/IP.

Ethernet & Wi-Fi I/O Modules & Temperature Sensors

ControlByWeb specialty is Ethernet and Wi-Fi temperature monitoring and control as either a stand-alone device, a small to medium-sized temperature control system, or as part of a larger industrial control system.

Flexible Temperature Monitoring Solutions

ControlByWeb’s I/O modules and sensors are inherently flexible due to their compatibility with a variety of process equipment, control systems, communication protocols, and networks. ControlByWeb’s customers trust their reliability in applications and industries ranging from cold-chain monitoring to server room automation.

Remote Temperature Monitoring

With a built-in web server, on-device logic, and Modbus TCP/IP communication ControlByWeb’s I/O devices are ideal for remote temperature monitoring and control. ControlByWeb’s modules network via either ethernet or WiFi and can interface with telemetry such as cellular, radio, and satellite. Common applications include freezer & refrigerator monitoring, remote building automation, and asset monitoring.

Common Temperature Problems:

😒 Asset & Inventory Losses

Lack of visibility and notifications causes expensive maintenance and loss of inventory.

😒 Compliance

Governing bodies often require temperature logging to prove an acceptable range.

😒 Expense

Remote monitoring typically requires expensive equipment and on-going subscription fees.

😒 Installation & Scalability

Temperature sensors can be needed in difficult locations, expensive to scale, and require extensive wiring.

ControlByWeb Monitoring Solutions:

✔ Remote Alarms & Control Logic

Web-based monitoring, alarms, and control prevent the loss of valuable assets.

✔ Data Logging

Data logging along with email records and FTP uploads helps prove compliance.

✔ Cost Effective

Affordable equipment that only requires an Internet connection for full functionality. Cloud optional.

✔ Flexible Architecture

Expandable I/O and peer-to-peer communication overcomes common installation challenges.


Setup Temperature Alert Emails

Configure the modules to send email messages when a preset temperature is reached.

Log Temperature Data

Log temperature data over time and send log files via email or FTP at preset intervals.

Control Relays Based on Temperature Sensor Data

Configure relays remotely via standard web browser to trigger alarms, heaters, fans, etc.

Send Temperature Data via API

Send sensor data to 3rd party software or control systems using XML or Modbus TCP/IP.

How Customers Use ControlByWeb™ Products

Simple Stand-Alone Device

A single ControlByWeb device can operate on its own as long as it has an IP network for communication. Data can easily be accessed on a local network or via the Internet. Ideal for remotely monitoring a single site or multiple facilities.

Tyypillisiä ControlByWeb-tuotteiden käyttötapoja

Integrated in Control Systems

Integrate ControlByWeb devices throughout your advanced control system using Modbus TCP/IP, SMTP, SNMP V1/2C/V3, XML, JSON, HTTP, HTTPS, and SSL. ControlByWeb devices act as an RTU in industrial control systems.

Tyypillisiä ControlByWeb-tuotteiden käyttötapoja

Complete Control System

Create a fully functional control system using ControlByWeb I/O devices and sensors. Our X-400 and X-600M with expandable I/O and programmable logic are ideal for a control system you can monitor & control locally or remotely.

Tyypillisiä ControlByWeb-tuotteiden käyttötapoja
Frequently Asked Questions

No special network equipment or gateways are needed. Our devices simply need a sensor input and an IP network.

All of our I/O devices are remotely accessible via their internal web server. Simply assign a static IP address, provide network connection such as the Internet, and set up a port forward.

Our devices can communicate with one another across networks for a highly flexible system to match your exact needs. Our industrial-grade I/O gives you rugged reliability as either a primary or redundant control system. You can deploy a single I/O module with a few inputs and outputs to control a simple process, or network peripheral devices to one central node for a robust system of controls compatible with virtually any sensor or process equipment. ControlByWeb devices can communicate with each other using Peer-to-Peer or Modbus TCP/IP. Monitor and control local or remote processes across any distance, wherever a network connection can be established.

ControlByWeb devices communicate using Modbus TCP/IP, SMTP, SNMP V1/2C/V3, XML, JSON, HTTP, HTTPS, and SSL.

Yes. Our I/O devices act as RTUs or Edge Controllers for existing systems. Our expandable I/O modules are a powerful tool that allow as many inputs and outputs of different specifications as needed. Both digital and analog inputs and relay outputs are available and system communication happens via Ethernet or Wi-Fi using Modbus TCP/IP, SNMP, XML, and more.

Recommended Products for Temperature Monitoring and Control

Frequently Asked Questions About Temperature Monitoring & Control

Temperature monitoring is the act of measuring how hot or cold an environment or object is, and reporting that value to a useful location such as a local display, web server, cloud, or control system. Temperature monitoring enables alarms and notifications for human interaction, automated process control, or passive study and analysis. It is important for a variety of industries from Food and Beverage to Data Centers.

Our primary products are I/O devices that monitor inputs and provide outputs for control systems. Some of our modules have internal temperature sensors. However, we do offer digital temperature sensors which are compatible with our I/O devices and are less susceptible to electrical noise.

The temperature sensor probes we offer have a lifetime calibration guarantee.

You can access our devices using a standard web browser. You do not need additional software to access, view, and use your data. However, our products are commonly integrated with a variety of other control systems which display and log the data our products record.

You can log data as infrequently as once per day and as frequently as once every 60 seconds.

You can either view a built-in graph (on select devices), or you can type the IP address of your device in your web browser followed by ”/log.txt”. This displays the log file in .txt file format which can be downloaded.

For most Ethernet devices, you can have up to 600 feet / 182 meter of cable total (in ideal circumstances). We recommend reviewing a product’s specification page for more information on the total sensor length allowed for that given product. For wiring instructions, you can learn more here.

Our devices are designed to be Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) within a larger control system and communicate via Ethernet IP using common protocols such as Modbus TCP/IP, SNMP, XML, or even JSON.

The devices embedded web server has a setup page for email alarms. This can be converted to text messages using your phone carrier’s standard email-to-text function.

ControlByWeb – Etäohjaus ja etämonitorointi

ControlByWeb verkkopohjaiset I/O ohjaimet ja kontrollerit ovat erittäin luotettavia ”drop-in” ratkaisuja etäohjaukseen ja -monitorointiin. Ensimmäinen tuote on jo vuodelta 2005 eli WebRelay™, joka on verkko-ohjattu rele sisältäen myös digitaalisen tulon. ControlByWeb on sittemmin valmistanut laajan valikoiman tuotteita teollisuuden automaatioon, tiedonkeruuseen ja seurantaan.

Monet heidän tuotteistaan ​​sisältävät erilaisia ​​tuloja ja lähtöjä (relelähtöjä, digitaalisia ja analogisia tuloja, 1-johdinväylän (1-Wire) lämpötilan ja kosteuden seurantaan jne.), joita voidaan käyttää elektronisten laitteiden kaukoohjaukseen ja -valvontaan. Suurin osa heidän I/O-tuotteistaan ​​tukee sähköposti-ilmoituksia, toimintojen ajoituksia, tallennusta, useita protokollia (Modbus, SMNP, SMTP …) ja monia muita ominaisuuksia.

Kaikissa ControlByWeb-tuotteissa on sisäänrakennetut verkkopalvelimet, jolloin niitä voidaan konfiguroida, monitoroida ja hallita verkkoselaimella tai CBW-mobiilisovelluksella. Ne toimivat kuten standardi RTU (Remote Terminal Unit), joten ne on myös helppo integroida olemassa olevaan prosessiohjaus-järjestelmään. Kummassakaan tapauksessa ei tarvita erityistä ohjelmistoa, ei ajureita asennettavaksi eikä muita ylimääräisiä veloituksellisia palveluita.

ControlByWeb-pilvipalvelu helpottaa tietojen käyttöä ja laitteiden hallintaa.

Helmikuussa 2021 julkaistu ControlByWeb-pilvipalvelu tekee etävalvonnasta ja usean sijainnin hallinnasta helpompaa kuin koskaan. ControlByWeb-pilviyhteensopivien laitteiden avulla voit seurata ja ohjata melkein mitä tahansa, kuten ravintolan kylmälaitteita, etäreleitä tai generaattorin polttoainesäiliöitä.

ControlByWeb-pilvipalvelu tekee luonnostaan joustavasta I/O-alustasta entistäkin helpomman käytettävän ja hyödyllisemmän kuin koskaan ennen. Pilvipalvelun käytön veloitus pohjautuu palvelun piirissä olevien laitteiden määristä, ei I/O-pisteiden (endpoint) määristä.

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