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Monitor and log tank levels from anywhere in the world! No cloud needed!

ControlByWeb’s level monitoring sensors and controllers provide a superior solution for any tank level monitoring needs. Monitor liquid levels with three different types of monitoring technologies: ultrasonic, float, and pressure. Whether you have an IBC tank, tote, or chemical injection tank ControlByWeb has the best local and remote level monitoring solution for your application.

Remote Level Monitoring & Pump Control

Pair a level sensor with a ControlByWeb controller to remotely monitor liquid levels, control pumps and valves to maintain tank levels, view log files, and send tank level information to existing monitoring systems. Program the device with our intuitive, built-in Task Builder and let the device control all logic, without needing to rely on any cloud services.

Choose the Best Sensor

Choosing the best level sensor technology for your application can be challenging, however we want to help make the selection process easy.

Monitor and log tank levels from anywhere in the world! No cloud needed!
Frequently Asked Questions

Level monitoring is the process of using technology to monitor the liquid or solid levels and volumes in industrial tanks, silos or totes. Typically a sensor is installed in a tank or container and the measurement data from the sensor is transmitted to a local display or to a network device where levels can be monitored remotely. This is particularly useful in situations where tanks may contain liquids, such as oil, fuel, or chemicals, which can be unsafe to manually check using traditional methods. Level monitoring is also useful in applications where a tank may be difficult to reach or access, and a sensor need only be installed once and then monitored locally on a display or remotely via a web browser.

Remote tank level monitoring works by connecting a level monitoring sensor to a network controller capable of interpreting measurement data from the sensor and making that data available via a network connection. Sensor data can either be accessed on a local network or remotely, depending on the desired configuration. Many network controller manufacturers require a subscription to a cloud service, however ControlByWeb controllers can be accessed directly over the network with no need for a cloud.

There are three main types of sensors that can be used for tank level monitoring: ultrasonic sensors, float switches, and pressure transducers. Choosing the right level sensor for your particular application comes down to several key factors. The first point to consider is what kind of liquid you will be measuring. Most sensors will work well in clean liquids, however if your liquid is dirty or corrosive then a float switch or pressure transducer would be better suited for the job. The second thing to consider is where the tank can be accessed to install the sensor. If the top of the tank is easily accessible then most sensors will do. If the top is not easily accessed then a pressure transducer could be a good option since it can be installed in tank vents or head pressure. Another consideration is the size of the tank. Each type of level sensor has a range of measurement that needs to be considered before choosing a sensor. The easiest way to determine which sensor will work best is to talk to one of our level monitoring experts and they can guide you through the decision-making process.

Many of our ControlByWeb devices with analog or modbus inputs work best for level monitoring. We have developed our X-404 controller specifically for level monitoring applications. The X-404 powers and communicates with the sensors via Modbus RS-485 which allows up to 32 sensors to be daisy-chained together and connected to the X-404 for the easiest installation possible for multiple tanks. The X-404 has a built-in web server with email/text notifications, logging, and an advanced task builder that allows logic to run locally on the device for controlling pumps to help maintain tank levels.

There are two types of level monitoring, point level and continuous level. Point level sensors simply measure a single preset level in the tank. Typically point level monitoring is used for an overflow line on a tank to trigger an alarm. Continuous level sensors measure the level in a tank within a given range, according to the sensor specifications. Continuous level monitoring is more robust and is useful in applications where the level of the tank needs to be measured at any given time. It is also very effective in a level management system to control pumps, valves and alarms when liquids reach specified levels within a tank.

Many controllers require a cloud service with a monthly subscription to connect and access level data. However, with ControlByWeb products, like the X-404, this measurement data can be accessed directly on the device without any monthly subscriptions. The X-404 has a built-in web server that can be accessed via port forwarding on your network router, eliminating the need for a cloud server.

ControlByWeb – Etäohjaus ja etämonitorointi

ControlByWeb verkkopohjaiset I/O ohjaimet ja kontrollerit ovat erittäin luotettavia ”drop-in” ratkaisuja etäohjaukseen ja -monitorointiin. Ensimmäinen tuote on jo vuodelta 2005 eli WebRelay™, joka on verkko-ohjattu rele sisältäen myös digitaalisen tulon. ControlByWeb on sittemmin valmistanut laajan valikoiman tuotteita teollisuuden automaatioon, tiedonkeruuseen ja seurantaan.

Monet heidän tuotteistaan ​​sisältävät erilaisia ​​tuloja ja lähtöjä (relelähtöjä, digitaalisia ja analogisia tuloja, 1-johdinväylän (1-Wire) lämpötilan ja kosteuden seurantaan jne.), joita voidaan käyttää elektronisten laitteiden kaukoohjaukseen ja -valvontaan. Suurin osa heidän I/O-tuotteistaan ​​tukee sähköposti-ilmoituksia, toimintojen ajoituksia, tallennusta, useita protokollia (Modbus, SMNP, SMTP …) ja monia muita ominaisuuksia.

Kaikissa ControlByWeb-tuotteissa on sisäänrakennetut verkkopalvelimet, jolloin niitä voidaan konfiguroida, monitoroida ja hallita verkkoselaimella tai CBW-mobiilisovelluksella. Ne toimivat kuten standardi RTU (Remote Terminal Unit), joten ne on myös helppo integroida olemassa olevaan prosessiohjaus-järjestelmään. Kummassakaan tapauksessa ei tarvita erityistä ohjelmistoa, ei ajureita asennettavaksi eikä muita ylimääräisiä veloituksellisia palveluita.

ControlByWeb-pilvipalvelu helpottaa tietojen käyttöä ja laitteiden hallintaa.

Helmikuussa 2021 julkaistu ControlByWeb-pilvipalvelu tekee etävalvonnasta ja usean sijainnin hallinnasta helpompaa kuin koskaan. ControlByWeb-pilviyhteensopivien laitteiden avulla voit seurata ja ohjata melkein mitä tahansa, kuten ravintolan kylmälaitteita, etäreleitä tai generaattorin polttoainesäiliöitä.

ControlByWeb-pilvipalvelu tekee luonnostaan joustavasta I/O-alustasta entistäkin helpomman käytettävän ja hyödyllisemmän kuin koskaan ennen. Pilvipalvelun käytön veloitus pohjautuu palvelun piirissä olevien laitteiden määristä, ei I/O-pisteiden (endpoint) määristä.

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